About Us

Hello, Dear Friend, As Latino founders, we get inspiration from our culture. Our ancestors were aware of the health benefits of plants, fruits, extracts, and seeds. We combine science with ancestral knowledge. Creating natural skin care products with tropical and exotic ingredients. Helping to solve your skin concerns. Because having healthy and glowing skin is the best therapy for self-love.

Our journey began when Gabriela started having acne and tried multiple products without any results, leaving her face dry, dull, and with even more acne.

Looking for natural alternatives on the market, we realize how many products on the market are labeled "natural," when in reality they are made of synthetic materials and chemicals with very few natural ingredients. Also, most of the products are water-based.

Sebastian sees her frustration and lack of self-esteem. With his strong background in medicine, he started to study the natural ingredients used in Latin American culture and Indian Ayurveda. In Latin America, those natural remedies are called "las hiervitas de la abuela.". and with scientific studies, we began to combine these ingredients, looking for compatibility between them. After multiple formulations, we came up with two natural products, helping Gabriela solve her acne and its sequels. Having a positive impact on her skin and self-esteem.

 That's when we realized we could help you achieve healthy and glowing skin without harming your health.